最近我注册了我的 wordpres.org 论坛账号,发现无论是用@qq.com 还是@ live.com 都收不到验证邮件。
然后我给 forum-password-resets@wordpress.org 发了一封电子邮件询问情况。你可以不用注册用户就可以使用 WordPress 服务。
We have determined your email was accidentally caught by one of our spam filters.
What You Need to Do
You don't need to do anything right now, however we do ask you take time to review and confirm your data when you're registering accounts. More and more services are strictly monitoring and limiting accounts with incorrect data, so it's in your best interest to be as correct as possible.
We've approved your account from our end, and you should receive a verification email shortly.
We recommend you add @wordpress.org to your email's 'never spam' list, via a filter or any available tools your email service has.
Why This Happened
Due to the high volume of mail and signups we have at WordPress.org, and the sadly high number of fake accounts, we have a very complex system to try and catch bad actors before they make life miserable for everyone.
When it catches an innocent, it generally means you entered invalid or highly suspect data when creating your account, such as a URL missing the TLD (https://example vs https://example.com), or included known spam-words.
Sometimes that tool gets a little exuberant and false-flags. We are actively working to improve this.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
WordPress.org Password Resets | forum-password-resets@wordpress.org
WordPress.org Forum Guidelines - https://wordpress.org/support/guidelines/
因 WordPress.org 遭大量注册,导致虚假用户过多,大概是默认关闭注册功能,如需注册发送邮件至 forum-password-resets@wordpress.org 即可解决。
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